Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hey Everyone! I am more than ever convinced that we have got to change our way we think of food! I am beginning to see myself as Mel Gibson on Conspiracy Theory. What???? DO you think it is weird that I lock up my coffee? :)

Anyways, I watched POV_Food, Inc. CRAZY!!! Thanks Ashlie for the link.....

I began researching local meats....I found place called Peaceful Pastures. They may a delivery at Good Shepard each month. They have a CSA plan that seems interesting. I may go there and purchase some meat and try it out. I have never had goat meat before, so I am a little nervous to sign up for a month supply that may include it. I will let you know what I find.

Also, here is a helpful link.

Anyways, post any cool finds, local produce, articles that you locate. I want this blog to be a source of information for us all! I want us all to feel empowered for the sake of our families!!!

BTW.....if you see me mysteriously placing mail in different drops around Cookeville, just smile and wave! HA!


  1. Thanks for the info Terri. The CSA link is slightly off and does not work. There should be a / before csa rather than a .

    (Sorry that's what geeks like me are here for. :)


    Check out this link on Local Harvest. He emailed me back and said that he is at the Cookeville Farmer's Market on Fridays from 8-1. His name is Randy.

  3. (is a small family owned farm producing and selling Organic and grassfed beef, lamb, goat, pork, poultry, eggs, raw milk cheese, and livestock. I know they deliever every saturday to the Franklin Farmers Market, or you can have it shipped to your door (extra of course).
    Sissy, I am excited to see you doing this! Eating Organic/natural/wholesome food can be done on a budget! I have been doing it now for about two weeks, and have actually saved money! It takes a lot of planning, preparing, and thinking...but the benefits are GREAT! I highly encourage Everyone to watch, "Food Inc." it really changed the way I will look at food for teh rest of my life!!!

  4. Any time you want to experiment with any kind of food... give me a call. I'm so there.
