Monday, May 17, 2010


so.....I have decided that my 50 day plan may have been too agressive. It is frustrating trying to make this work, but I am going to do it! Only 27 more meals to go....I am focused, planning, and ready to get down to business!

Look for more recipes to goal is to post 3 recipes this week.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


ok....sorry for the delay. I made a fish dish on Wednesday, but decided it was not that great.

This meal is SIMPLE! A new family favorite!

5 ears of corn - $2.00
Organic Tomatoes - $3.68
Dried Black Beans - $0.65
Brown Long Grain Rice - $0.72
TOTAL= $7.05

This is a plan ahead meal b/c you have to soak the beans overnight. This made plenty. We will have leftovers tomorrow. I used 1/2 of the bag of beans. Next time, I will only use 1/3.

After I soaked the beans, I cooked them for about 2 hours. I sprinkled a little dried cilantro in the beans. I cleaned the corn ( Corn does not absorb alot of pesticides so it is ok if you do not buy it organic) and cut the corn off the cob. Put the corn in a skillet with about 1 tbsp of butter. I let that cook for about 4-5 minutes. I chopped the tomatoes and added to the corn. I put a little but of sea salt and pepper. I added the black beans and cooked for another 5 minutes. Then serve over rice.
KID TEST: All three loved it. I did not serve theirs over rice. I let them mix them if they wanted to. Ted loved it and said it was very filling. This is a cheap meal and healthy.